Colheitadeira e Plataforma de Soja - Sicoob Cooplivre
null Colheitadeira e Plataforma de Soja
Um erro ocorreu enquanto processava o modelo.
The following has evaluated to null or missing: ==> cur_photo.getAttribute("alt") [in template "20102#20128#null" at line 6, column 37] ---- Tip: If the failing expression is known to be legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, ( ---- ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: ${cur_photo.getAttribute("alt")} [in template "20102#20128#null" at line 6, column 35] ----
1<dl><dt>Imagem de capa do anúncio:</dt><dd><a href="${card_image.getData()}">
2 ${languageUtil.format(locale, "download-x", "Imagem de capa do anúncio", false)}
3</a></dd><dt>Informações do bem à venda:</dt><dd>${text_content.getData()}</dd><dt>Fotografia da Galeria:</dt><dd><#if photo.getSiblings()?has_content>
4 <#list photo.getSiblings() as cur_photo>
5 <#if cur_photo.getData()?? && cur_photo.getData() != "">
6 <img alt="${cur_photo.getAttribute("alt")}" data-fileentryid="${cur_photo.getAttribute("fileEntryId")}" src="${cur_photo.getData()}" />
7 </#if>
8 </#list>